James W. Harrington
Professor Emeritus, School of Urban Studies, University of Washington, Tacoma; Bridges Center Faculty Associatejwh@uw.edu / 253-692-5830 -
Bob Hasegawa
Bridges Center Visiting Committee; Washington State Representative, 11th District -
Rachel Heath
Associate Professor, Department of Economics; Bridges Center Faculty Associatermheath@uw.edu / 206-543-5796 / Savery 335 -
Andrew Hedden
Associate Director, Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studiesheddena@uw.edu / (206) 543-7946 / Smith Hall, Room 019 -
Heather Hill
Associate Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance; Bridges Center Faculty Associate -
Jennifer Hoffman
Associate Professor, UW College of Education; Bridges Center Faculty Associatejennilee@uw.edu / 206-616-6309 / Gilman Bldg. -
Michael Honey
Professor, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, University of Washington Tacoma; Bridges Center Faculty Associate -
Eunice How
Bridges Center Visiting Committee; Lead Community and Political Organizer, UNITE HERE Local 8; National Executive Board, Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO. -
Jang wook Huh
Assistant Professor, American Ethnic Studies; Harry Bridges Faculty Associatejwhuh@uw.edu / (206) 543-4488 / PDL A516 -
Holly Hulscher
Bridges Center Visiting Committee; International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Local 23 -
Emily Ignacio
Associate Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, University of Washington, Tacoma; Bridges Center Faculty Associateeignacio@uw.edu / 253-692-4542 / Garretson Woodruff Pratt 309 -
Michael Jagielski
Bridges Center Visiting Committee; President, International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Local 23 Pensioners Club; President, Pacific Coast Pensioner's Association of the ILWU -
Lucy Jarosz
Professor Emerita, Department of Geography; Bridges Center Faculty Associatejarosz@uw.edu / (206) 543-7933 / 303C Smith Hall -
Mark Jenkins
Professor Emeritus, School of Drama; Bridges Center Faculty Associatemarkcaro@uw.edu / 206-543-0789 / HUT 111 -
JoAnne Jugum
Bridges Center Visiting Committee; Seattle Public School Teacher -
Moon-Ho Jung
Professor, Department of History; Harry Bridges Endowed Chair in Labor Studies and Director, Harry Bridges Centermhjung@uw.edu / (206) 543-2798 / SMI 203D -
Sunila S. Kale
Associate Professor, Jackson School of International Studies; Bridges Center Faculty Associatekale@uw.edu / (206) 221 4852 / Thomson Hall 418 -
Cricket Keating
Associate Professor, Department of Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies; Bridges Center Faculty Associateckeating@uw.edu / PDL B110 R -
Karen Keiser
Bridges Center Visiting Committee; Washington State Senator, 33rd District -
Susan Kemp
Professor Emerita, School of Social Work; Bridges Center Faculty Associate -
Ian Kennedy
Bridges Center Visiting Committee; International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Local 52 (retired) -
Elizabeth Kier
Professor, Department of Political Science; Bridges Center Faculty Associateekier@uw.edu / Gowen 129 -
Levin Kim
Bridges Center Visiting Committee; President, UAW 4121 -
Richard Kirkendall
Professor Emeritus, Department of History; Bridges Center Faculty Associatersk@uw.edu / (206) 543-7972 / SMI 10 -
Zaher Kmail
Assistant Professor of Statisticszkmail@uw.edu / (253) 692-4570 / MDS 306A -
Robert H. Lavitt
Bridges Center Visiting Committee; Attorney, Barnard Iglitzin & Lavitt, LLP -
Victoria Lawson
Professor, Department of Geograpghy; Director, University Honors; Bridges Center Faculty Associatelawson@uw.edu / (206) 543-5196 -
Kari Lerum
Associate Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, University of Washington, Bothell; Bridges Center Faculty Associatelerum@uw.edu / 425-352-3588 / UW2-328 -
Anna Lovasz
Assistant Professorplovi@uw.edu / 253-692-5836 / Garretson Woodruff Pratt 231 -
George Lovell
Professor, Department of Political Science; Bridges Center Faculty Associate -
Celia Lowe
Professor, Department of Anthropology; Bridges Center Faculty Associate -
Tony Lucero
Associate Professor, Jackson School of International Studies; Bridges Center Faculty Associatejal26@uw.edu / (206) 616-1643 / Thomson 415 -
Paula Lukaszek
Bridges Center Visiting Committee; President, WFSE Local 1488 -
Tom Lux
Bridges Center Visiting Committee; President, Pacific Northwest Labor History Association -
William Lyne
Bridges Center Visiting Committee; Washington Education Association -
Laurie Marhoefer
Associate Professor, Department of History; Bridges Center Faculty Associatemarl@uw.edu / SMI 118; Please contact to set up a virtual appointment -
Terri Mast
Bridges Center Visiting Committee; Secretary Treasurer, Inlandboatmen's Union -
Michael McCann
Professor, Political Science; Gordon Hirabayashi Professor for the Advancement of Citizenship; Bridges Center Faculty Associatemwmccann@uw.edu / Gowen 47 -
Hendrika Meischke
Professor, Health Systems and Population Health; Bridges Center Faculty Associatehendrika@uw.edu / HRC 434 -
Alina Méndez
Assistant Professor, Department of American Ethnic Studies; Bridges Center Faculty Associatearmendez@uw.edu / 206-616-2352 / PDL B507 -
Marcia Meyers
Professor Emerita, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance; Bridges Center Faculty Associatemkm36@u.washington.edu / (206) 616-4409 -
Alex Miller
Lecturertam05@uw.edu / 253-692-4741 / Garretson Woodruff Pratt 415 -
Megan Ming Francis
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science; Bridges Center Faculty Associatemeganmf@uw.edu / Gowen 37 -
Martina Morris
Professor Emerita, Department of Sociology; Bridges Center Faculty Associatemorrism@u.washington.edu / (206) 685-3402 / 221 Padelford -
Diane Morrison
Professor Emerita, School of Social Work; Bridges Center Faculty Associate -
Mike Mowers
Bridges Center Visiting Committee; ILWU Local 32 -
Beverly Naidus
Professor Emerita, Culture, Arts and Communication, University of Washington, Tacoma; Bridges Center Faculty Associatebnaidus@uw.edu / 253-692-4623 / The Whitney 101 -
Hwasook Nam
Associate Professor Emerita, Department of History, Jackson School of International Studies; Bridges Center Faculty Associatehsnam@uw.edu / (206) 685-7756 / Thomson 301A -
Linh Thuy Nguyen
Assistant Professor, Department of American Ethnic Studies; Bridges Center Faculty Associatelnguye@uw.edu / PDL B523 -
Keith Nitta
Associate Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, University of Washington, Bothell; Bridges Center Faculty Associatekanitta@uw.edu / 425-352-3364 / UW1-336