Moon-Ho Jung
Professor, Department of History; Harry Bridges Endowed Chair in Labor Studies and Director, Harry Bridges Centermhjung@uw.edu / (206) 543-2798 / SMI 203D -
Sai Ahmed
Assistant Director of Student and Community Engagement, Harry Bridges Center for Labor StudiesOffice Hours:-
Tues-Fri9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Rachel Erstad
Research Director, Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studiesrerstad@uw.edu / (206) 543-7946 / Smith Hall, M268 -
Andrew Hedden
Associate Director, Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studiesheddena@uw.edu / (206) 543-7946 / Smith Hall, Room M268 (mezzanine) -
April Rubio
Communications Coordinator, Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studiesaprilar@uw.edu / Smith Hall M266 (mezzanine)Office Hours:-
Sarah Quinn
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology; Member, Bridges Center Standing Committee -
Carolyn Pinedo-Turnovsky
Associate Professor, Department of American Ethnic Studies; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Sociology; Member, Bridges Center Standing Committeecpt4@uw.edu / (206) 543-6363 / A-517 Padelford Hall -
Stephanie Smallwood
Associate Professor, Department of History, Department of Comparative History of Ideas; Member, Bridges Center Standing Committeeses9@uw.edu / (206) 543-2016 / SMI 104A -
Rebecca U. Thorpe
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Washington Seattle; Member, Bridges Center Standing Committeebthorpe@uw.edu / Email for zoom linkOffice Hours:-
Mon1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Conor Casey
Labor Archivist and Head, Labor Archives of Washingtoncmcasey@uw.edu / 206-685-3976