Margaret Perez Brower is an assistant professor of political science at the University of Washington. She received her MA and PhD from the University of Chicago in political science, as well as a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Harvard University. Additionally, she received an MA in higher education and public policy from the University of Michigan. Her work focuses on the politics of race, ethnicity, and gender and how these politics shape U.S. institutions, higher education, public opinion, and political behaviors. Professor Perez Brower has written several articles on these topics, which have been published in respected academic journals and magazines. Her expertise has been recognized by various media outlets, including NPR, MSNBC live, Washington Post, WGN, and WBEZ Chicago. She also recently wrote a book based on her award-winning dissertation, “Intersectional Advocacy: Redrawing Policy Boundaries Around Gender, Race, and Class,” which was published earlier this year.