Quick Links
- Labor Studies - Scholarships and Fellowships
- Labor Studies - Best Paper Prize
- Labor Studies - Research Grants
- How to Apply for Funding
- Internships with Labor Organizations
In our ongoing efforts to support excellence in labor studies, the Bridges Center awards an average of $100,000 or more a year to students and faculty at the University of Washington.
Annual scholarships and fellowships support students passionate about the study of labor and labor activism, while our Best Paper Prize honors quality scholarship on labor issues produced by students. When our students graduate, many go on to work in the labor movement, or continue on in the academy as teachers and scholars.
Labor Studies research grants support graduate students and faculty in advancing knowledge and paving the way for social change. Since 1992, the Bridges Center's grants have contributed to the publication of over 100 books and articles.
How to Apply for Funding
To apply for funding, please visit the website of the program you are interested in (scholarship, best paper prize, or research grant), identify the award and/or grants you are eligible for, and follow the instructions provided on the website for the specific program.
Questions? Contact the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies at hbcls@uw.edu or (206) 543-7946. You may also visit the Bridges Center office on the UW Seattle campus in Smith Hall, room 017 and 019, located on the ground floor.