Bridges Center Research Director, Rachel Erstad, in partnership with Washington Labor Education Research Center's Labor Policy Researcher, Muhammad Javid, developed and conducted interviews and surveyed labor and workforce development leaders in Seattle and King County for a new report, "Regional Partnerships for Immigrant Integration and Workforce Development in the City of Seattle and King County." The report was published by Seattle's Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs (OIRA) and authored by Glenn Scott Davis. 

The report focuses on the challenges and opportunities immigrant and refugee communities are experiencing, especially regarding secure and quality career opportunities. Immigrants and refugees are valued community members with increasing representation in our regional workforce.

Recommendations from the report include: 

  • OIRA provides immigrant and refugee services and programs throughout the county, 
  • OIRA to continue and expand the Ready to Work (RTW) program and expand English language acquisition programs using best practices, and
  • OIRA supports and serves as a resource to other city departments and county agencies engaged in workforce development, programs, and services.


Read the full report here