Mr. Gleason teaches ENV 460/560, Occupational Safety Management, ENVH 453 Industrial Hygiene and ENVH 462/562, Technical Aspects of Industrial Safety. He currently is a Senior lecturer in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences at the UW. He is also a graduate of the MS in Industrial Hygiene with the UW DEOHS about 40 years ago. Mr. Gleason worked for Federal OSHA and State L & I DOSH WISHA as an inspector for thirteen years. He has been teaching at the University of Washington for the last 23 years. He currently assists the University of Washington Pacific Northwest OSHA Training center and provides services to Region 10 comprising Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska. Mr. Gleason also assists in third party liability cases as an expert witness in construction, general industry and maritime safety cases. After the cases are settled he uses the information (without the names of the establishments) as real world case histories in his courses.
Research/Teaching Areas: Safe Workplaces, Occupational Health, Occupational Safety
Current Projects/Research: Construction safety. OSHA/WISHA Training Institute. Occupational health and safety. Hazardous waste site cleanup. UW-OSHA Region X. Train-the-trainer. Workers' compensation claims reduction. Construction safety and health. Health and safety education. Industrial hygiene. OSHA safety and health training. Workplace hazards.