Contact an Advisor

Have questions about the Labor Studies Minor or labor studies in general? Contact the Labor Studies Minor Advisor with questions or to schedule an appointment:

Sai Ahmed, Coordinator and Undergraduate Advisor
Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies, (206) 543-7537

Students may also visit the office of the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies on the UW Seattle campus in Smith Hall, room 017 and 019, on the ground floor.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I declare the Labor Studies Minor?

Students may declare the Labor Studies Minor minor through a departmental advisor or at the time that they file a graduation application. To apply for a minor, students must have completed at least 90 college credits. 

Q: I have taken a course listed on the Labor Studies Minor website that is not appearing in my DARS report. What's up?

Is the class a Special Topics course? If the answer is yes, it will need to be approved by the Labor Studies Minor Advisor. Because the subjects of Special Topics courses change regularly, they are not immediately counted towards the Labor Studies Minor. Therefore, even Special Topics courses on labor topics will not automatically appear on students DARS reports.

If it is not a Special Topics course, there may be another issue. Infrequently, Labor Studies courses have not been entered into the DARS system.

If a class is not appearing as a Labor Studies Minor course in your on-line DARS report that you believe should count, contact the Labor Studies Minor Advisor immediately at (206) 543-7946, or

Q: There is a course that I believe should count for the Labor Studies Minor. What steps do I take to make it count?

If there is a class that you believe should count towards the Labor Studies Minor, e-mail the Labor Studies Minor Advisor ( with the following:

  • Your name and student number
  • The course number, name of the instructor and quarter you took the class
  • A class syllabus (if you have one)
  • Brief description of how and why you think the class should qualify for the Labor Studies Minor

The Labor Studies Minor advisor will review the course information, contacting the instructor if necessary, and determine whether the course qualifies towards the Minor. If it qualifies, the Advisor will contact the DARS office to approve a substitution for you.

Q: How many classes can overlap between my major and the Labor Studies Minor?

With the Labor Studies Minor, you can take a maximum of 10 credit hours (usually 2 courses) within any one department, including your major department. So, for example, if you are a Political Science major, you can only count two Political Science classes for the Labor Studies Minor.

Cross-listed classes can be approved by the Labor Studies Minor Advisor towards whichever department you have less credits in. To do so, please e-mail the Advisor at