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- About the Series
- Labor in Times of Crisis: UW Bothell Colloquia Series
- Making Trouble: A Project of the UW Tacoma Labor Solidarity Project
About the Series
Due to COVID-19, Labor Studies events are now on-line. We are excited to announce two on-line labor seminars during the 2020-2021 academic year. Numbering twenty separate sessions with a wide range of labor scholars and activists, these sessions are open to the public.
- Labor in Times of Crisis. Days and times vary, from October 20 to June 3. Hosted by Labor Studies faculty at UW Bothell.
- Making Trouble. Every Monday, 12:30-1:30pm, from October 5 to December 7. Hosted by the UW Tacoma Labor Solidarity Project.
Full schedules, speaker information, and registration instructions are below.
Questions? Contact the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies at hbcls@uw.edu or 206-543-7946 (voicemail only).
Labor in Times of Crisis: UW Bothell Colloquia Series
Days and times vary, from October 20 to June 3.
Join the University of Washington Bothell Labor Studies Colloquium for a year of online talks investigating and exploring the exacerbated, economic fault lines for working class lives in times of crisis. Each meeting, held on Zoom, will feature a talk by a visiting scholar and/or artist and discussion, including topics such as the carceral and unresponsive state, alternate and solidarity economies and community storytelling.
The seminars are organized by UW Bothell Labor Colloquium faculty members Dr. Dan Berger, Dr. S. Charusheela, Dr. Joseph Ferrare and Dr. Kari Lerum, coordinated by Dr. Ching-In Chen with assistance from Graduate Assistant Simon Wolf. The colloquium will culminate in Spring 2021, with a Creative Writing workshop (BISIA 410: Advanced Creative Writing Workshop), focusing on Labor Stories During Pandemic Times. The class will organize a community storytelling project which will culminate in a chapbook which showcases these voices.
To register and receive a Zoom link for a session, visit http://bit.ly/UWBLaborStudies
October 20 - Policing Black Youth Through the War on Crime
Dr. Carl Suddler, Assistant Professor, African American History and Twentieth-century U.S. History, Emory University
11:00-12:00pm. Register: http://bit.ly/UWBLaborStudies.
November 3 - Why Expanding the Vote is Necessary for a Better World
Nicole Porter, Director of Advocacy at the Sentencing Project
11:00-12:00pm. Register: http://bit.ly/UWBLaborStudies.
November 18 - Sex Work Policy Activism: Centering Trans and BIPOC Leadership
Emi Koyama, multi-issue social justice activist and writer; and Tobi Hill-Meyer, Co-Executive Director for Gender Justice League
11:00-1:00pm. Register: http://bit.ly/UWBLaborStudies.
November 24 - Punishment and Profit in Washington Prisons
Oloth Insyxiengmay, Founder of the Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Awareness Group, University of Washington
11:00-12:00pm. Register: http://bit.ly/UWBLaborStudies.
CANCELED: January 28 - In Memoriam: María Lugones: A Conversation
Dr. Christine (Cricket) Keating, Associate professor in the Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Department, University of Washington
February 17 - It’s Not Who You Know, but How You Know Them: An Organizational Perspective on Social Capital and College Access
Dr. Julia Duncheon, Assistant Professor and Nielsen Scholar, University of Washington College of Education
3:30-4:40pm. Register: http://bit.ly/UWBLaborStudies.
April 15 - A People’s History of the Poetry Workshop
Mark Nowak, Professor in the English Department at Manhattanville College
6:00-8:00pm. Register: http://bit.ly/UWBLaborStudies.
April 22 - Writing Working Class Lives
Dr. Brenda Cárdenas, Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
6:00-8:00pm. Register: http://bit.ly/UWBLaborStudies.
April 29 - Social Reproduction Reimagined: The Feminist Radical Political Economy (FRPE) Collective
6:00-8:00pm. Register: http://bit.ly/UWBLaborStudies.
June 3 - Community Storytelling and Zine Release Celebration
6:00-8:00pm. Register: http://bit.ly/UWBLaborStudies.
Making Trouble: A Project of the UW Tacoma Labor Solidarity Project
Every Monday, 12:30-1:30pm, from October 5 to December 7.
Join the UW Tacoma Labor Solidarity Project for a weekly, online seminar that will adopt an intersectional approach while exploring the recent histories of the regional, national, and global labor movements. Each meeting will feature a presentation and discussion facilitated by a leading voice in mapping the trajectory of labor activism and scholarship.
Presentations will be broadcast live each Monday from 12:30-1:30 p.m. via Zoom and are free and open to the public. Can't make the live performance? View archived presentations on our YouTube channel playlist.
The Labor Solidarity Project at UW Tacoma (UWT) consists of faculty and students working to highlight labor studies in the curriculum, in research, and through community outreach. The Labor Solidarity Project has organized speakers, research programs, and additional curriculum to highlight and deepen our region’s understanding of its distinctive and proud labor history and to shape a future of economic justice and opportunity for all through community-engaged higher education.
To register for a session, visit https://forms.gle/
October 5 - Labor in Crisis (Course Introduction)
Alex Miller, UW Tacoma
12:30-1:30pm. Register: https://forms.gle/
October 12 - Working with the Land: Indigenous Labor and Fishing Rights
Danica Miller, Assistant Professor, UW Tacoma
12:30-1:30pm. Register: https://forms.gle/
October 19 - 'Speaking for Ourselves to Each Other:' Tyree Scott, Worker of Color Organizing, and Global Labor Solidarity 1969-99
Trevor Griffey, Lecturer, UCLA and University of California-Irvine
12:30-1:30pm. Register: https://forms.gle/
October 26 - Labor Unions and White Racial Politics
Jake Grumbach, Assistant Professor, Political Science, University of Washington
12:30-1:30pm. Register: https://forms.gle/
November 2 - The Southern Key: Class, Race, and Radicalism in the 1930s and 1940s
Michael Goldfield, Professor Emeritus of Political Science and currently Research Fellow at the Fraser Center for Workplace Issues at Wayne State University.
12:30-1:30pm. Register: https://forms.gle/
November 9 - Anti-Racist Activism on the Waterfront
Peter Cole, Professor, Western Illinois University; and Zack Pattin, ILWU Local 23 Young Workers Committee.
12:30-1:30pm. Register: https://forms.gle/
November 16 - Radical Seattle: The General Strike of 1919
Cal Winslow, Director of the Mendocino Institute and a retired fellow in environmental history at UC Berkeley.
12:30-1:30pm. Register: https://forms.gle/
November 23 - Laboring in Line with Our Values: The Experiences of Women of Color in Academe
Sonia De La Cruz, Nini Hayes, and Sonalini Sapra
12:30-1:30pm. Register: https://forms.gle/
November 30 - When We Fight: The Los Angeles Teachers' Strike
Film Screening
12:30-1:30pm. Register: https://forms.gle/
December 7 - Land of Sun and Hunger: The Bracero Program in the Imperial Valley-Mexicali Borderlands, 1942-1969
Alina Méndez, Assistant Professor, American Ethnic Studies, University of Washington
12:30-1:30pm. Register: https://forms.gle/