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Labor Studies Minor - Requirements

To complete a Minor in Labor Studies, students must satisfy the following minimum requirements:

1. Complete one of the following 5-credit Foundations Courses: 

2. 20 additional elective credits from courses related to Labor Studies, with no more than 10 credits from one department. To view a list of courses that qualify, see below.

3. A minimum 2.0 grade is required for each course applied towards the Labor Studies Minor.

Any undergraduate student with at least sophomore standing (45 credits completed) who is declared in a major may declare a minor. Students may declare a minor through a departmental advisor or at the time that they file a graduation application.



Labor Studies Minor - Courses Currently Offered, Academic Year 2025-2026

Each year, over fifty Labor Studies-related courses are offered at the University of Washington's Bothell, Seattle and Tacoma campuses. The following courses have been or will be offered during the current academic year. More courses will be posted as they become known to us.

See a course missing from our list? Please let us know at hbcls@uw.edu.

Winter Quarter 2025

University of Washington - Seattle

AAS 206 - Contemporary Problems of Asian Americans

AAS 350 - Critical Overseas Chinese/Chinese American Histories

AES 461 - Comparative Ethnic Race Relations in the Americas

AFRAM 405 - Advanced African American Studies in Social Science

ANTH 468 - Anthropology of Care

ENV H 460 – Occupational Safety Management

GWSS 200 - Introduction to Women Studies

HSTCMP 249/POL S 249/SOC 266 – Introduction to Labor Studies -- Core Course of Labor Studies Minor

HSTAA 105 - The Peoples of the United States

HSTAA 322 - African-American History, 1865 To The Present

HSTLAC 482 - The History of Brazil: Colonial Period to the Present

JSIS A 324/LSJ 322 - Human Rights in Latin America

LABOR 360 / GWSS 360 - Social Reproduction Theory and Radical Politics of Care

LABOR 480 - Applied Labor Research

LABOR 496 - Labor Studies Internship

LABOR 499 - Labor Studies Independent Study

LSJ 360 / POL S 360 - Introduction to United States Constitutional Law

SOC 468 – Sociology of Occupations and Professions


University of Washington - Bothell

No courses offered at this time. 

University of Washington - Tacoma

T ARTS 406 – Labor, Globalization, and Art

TECON 450 – Labor Economics and Policy

T EGL 101 - Introduction to Ethnic, Gender, and Labor Studies

T EGL 266 - Introduction to Labor Studies

T HIST 322 – American Labor Since the Civil War

T HIST 441 – Black Freedom Movement in Perspective

T WOMN 345 - Women and Work in the United States

T SOC 335 – Social Class and Inequality

Autumn Quarter 2024

University of Washington - Seattle

AES 442 - Undocumented Immigrant Communities
AFRAM 405 - Advanced African American Studies in Social Science
CHSTU 224 - Life and Labor in the US-Mexico Borderlands
ANTH 339/GWSS 339/JSIS 339 – Social Movements in Contemporary India
ANTH 468 - Anthropology of Care
CHID 485/HSTCMP 485 - Comparative Colonialism 
ENV H 453 - Industrial Hygiene
GWSS 200 - Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies 
GWSS 390 B - Worldwide Movements for LGBT+ Rights and Justice
GWSS 390 C/CHID 480 E - Feminist Social Reproduction Theory and Radical Politics of Care
GEOG 271 - Geography of Food and Eating
GEOG 478 - Social Justice and the City
HSTLAC 185 - Race, Gender, and Class in Latin America and the Caribbean 
HONORS 394 - Honors Interdisciplinary Study IV
JSIS B 324 - Immigration 
LABOR 499 - Labor Studies Independent Study
LSJ 329 - Immigration, Citizenship, and Rights
SOC 360 - Introduction to Social Stratification

University of Washington - Bothell

BISAES 305 - Power, Dissent, and American Culture

University of Washington - Tacoma 

T EGL 101 - Introduction to Ethnic, Gender, and Labor Studies
T EGL 266 - Introduction to Labor Studies 
T HIST 322 - American Labor Since the Civil War 
TPOL S 230 - International Human Rights
T SOC 434 - Women, Race, and Class: Identity and Intergroup Relations 
T WOMN 420 - Women in the Global Economy


Summer Quarter 2024

University of Washington - Seattle 

AAS 101 - Introduction to Asian American Cultures (B-Term)
ANTH 468 - Anthropology of Care (Full-Term)
CHID 485 / HSTCMP 485 - Comparative Colonialism (Full-Term) 
GWSS 200 - Introduction to Women Studies (A-Term & B-Term) 
GEOG 123 - Introduction to Globalization (Full-Term)
GEOG 230 - Geographies of Global Inequality (B-Term)
HSTCMP 249 / POL S 249 / SOC 266 - Introduction to Labor Studies (B-Term)  
HSTCMP 485 - Comparative Colonialism (Full-Term)
LABOR 496 - Labor Studies Internship (Full-Term)
LABOR 499 - Labor Studies Independent Study (Full-Term)
SOC 360 - Introduction to Social Stratification (Full-Term)

University of Washington - Bothell 

*No Labor Studies courses offered at UW - Bothell in Summer 2023

University of Washington - Tacoma

T SOC 335 - Social Class and Inequality (B-Term)

T SOC 434 - Women, Race, and Class: Identity and Intergroup Relations (B-Term)


Spring Quarter 2024

University of Washington - Seattle 

AAS 101 - Introduction to Asian American Cultures 
AES 461 - Comparative Ethnic Race Relations in the Americas
AFRAM 260 - African American Family
AFRAM 405 - Advanced African American Studies in Social Science
ANTH 373 - Labor, Identity, And Knowledge In Healthcare
ANTH 468 - Anthropology of Care 
ANTH 488 - Agroecology
CHSTU 200 - Latinos in the United States
CHSTU 260 - Introduction To Chicano Politics
CHSTU 342 - Working Latinas And Latinos
ECON 443 - Labor Market Analysis
ENV H 462 - Technical Aspects of Occupational Safety
GWSS 200 - Introduction to Women Studies
GWSS 390 B - Worldwide. Movements for LGBT+ Rights and Justice
GEOG 208 - Geography of the World Economy: Regional Fortunes and the Rise of Global Markets 
GEOG 342 - Geography of Inequality
HSTAA 353 - Class, Labor, and American Capitalism - Core Course of the Labor Studies Minor 
HSTAA 406 - Asian American Activism
HONORS 394 B - Critical Community Organizing 
JSIS B 385 - Industry And The State
LABOR 480 -  Applied Labor Research
LABOR 496 - Labor Studies Internship
LABOR 499 - Labor Studies Independent Study
LSJ 360/POL S 360 - Introduction To United States Constitutional Law

University of Washington - Bothell

BISAES 305 - Power, Dissent, and American Culture 

University of Washington - Tacoma 

T ARTS 406 - Labor, Globalization, and Art
T EGL 101 - Introduction to Ethnic, Gender, and Labor Studies 
T HIST 416 - Life and Thought: Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Angela Davis
T SOC 434 - Women, Race, and Class: Identity and Intergroup Relations

Winter Quarter 2024

University of Washington - Seattle 

AAS 206 - Contemporary Problems of Asian Americans
AAS 350 - Critical Overseas Chinese/Chinese American Histories
AES 442 - Undocumented Immigrant Communities
CHSTU 254 - Northwest Latinos: History, Community, Culture
ANTH 345/GWSS 345/JSIS B 345 - Women and International Economic Development
ENV H 460 - Occupational Safety Management
GWSS 200 - Introduction to Women Studies
GWSS 384/HSTAA 374 - Social History of American Women in the Twentieth Century
GEOG 123/JSIS 123 - Introduction to Globalization
HSTCMP 249/POL S 249/SOC 266 - Introduction to Labor Studies - Core Course of the Labor Studies Minor
HSTAA 105 - The Peoples of the United States
HONORS 394 - Critical Community Organizing 
JSIS A 324/LSJ 322 - Human Rights in Latin America
LABOR 480 - Applied Labor Research
LABOR 496 - Labor Studies Internship
LABOR 499 - Labor Studies Independent Study
LSJ 322/JSIS A 324 - Human Rights in Latin America
LSJ 329 - Immigration, Citizenship, and Rights 
POL S 373 - Violence, Exploitation, and Exclusion in US Labor Markets

University of Washington - Bothell

No courses currently offered.

University of Washington - Tacoma 

TECON 450 - Labor Economics and Policy
T EGL 101 - Introduction to Ethnic, Gender, and Labor Studies
T EGL 266 - Introduction to Labor Studies 
T SOC 335 - Social Class and Inequality
T WOMN 420 - Women in the Global Economy 



Labor Studies Minor - Full List of Qualifying Courses 

Select a department below, or scroll down, to browse courses that qualify towards the 20 elective credits required to complete a Minor in Labor Studies.



To learn whether a class will be offered in the future, please contact the relevant department.


University of Washington - Seattle

American Ethnic Studies (AES) - African American Studies (AFRAM), Asian American Studies (AAS), Chicano Studies (CHSTU)

AAS 101 - Introduction to Asian American Cultures
AAS 206 - Contemporary Problems of Asian Americans
AAS 350 - Critical Overseas Chinese/Chinese American Histories
AES 322/GWSS 300 – Gender, Race, and Class in Social Stratification
AES 442 - Undocumented Immigrant Communities
AES 461 - Comparative Ethnic Race Relations in the Americas
AFRAM 260 - African American Family
AFRAM 380 - Race, Ethnicity and Public Policy
AFRAM 405 - Advanced African American Studies in Social Science
CHSTU 200 - Latinos in the United States
CHSTU 224 - Life and Labor in the US-Mexico Borderlands
CHSTU 254 - Northwest Latinos: History, Community, Culture
CHSTU 260 - Introduction to Chicano Politics
CHSTU 342 - Working Latinas and Latinos: Changing Sites of Identity in Daily Life
CHSTU 352 - Latinx Migrations: A Comparative Analysis
CHSTU 354 - Unions, Labor, and Civil Rights in California and Pacific Northwest Agriculture
CHSTU/ANTH 416 - Comparative Social Movements: Mexico and the United States
CHSTU 435 - Latinas and Labor in the Neoliberal Age

Anthropology (ANTH)

ANTH 207 - Class and Culture in America
ANTH 339/GWSS 339/JSIS 339 – Social Movements in Contemporary India
ANTH 345/GWSS 345/JSIS B 345 – Women and International Economic Development
ANTH 371 - Anthropology of Development
ANTH 373 – Labor, Identity and Knowledge in Health Care
ANTH/CHSTU 416 - Comparative Social Movements: Mexico and the United States
ANTH 463 - Critiques of Contemporary Capitalism
ANTH 468 - Anthropology of Care
ANTH 488 - Agroecology

Comparative History of Ideas (CHID)

CHID 309 / HIST 309 - Marx and the Marxian Tradition in Western Thought: The Foundations of Modern Cultural Criticism
CHID 485 / HSTCMP 485 - Comparative Colonialism
CHID 480 E / GWSS 390 - Feminist Social Reproduction Theory and Radical Politics of Care

Communication (COM)

COM 339 - The Business of Media in the Digital Age
COM 342 - Media Structure

Economics (ECON)

ECON 443 - Labor Market Analysis
ECON 444 - Topics in Labor Market Analysis

Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences (ENV H)

ENV H 453 – Industrial Hygiene
ENV H 460 – Occupational Safety Management
ENV H 462 – Technical Aspects of Occupational Safety
ENV H 490 – Physical Agents in the Workplace

Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies (GWSS)

GWSS 200 - Introduction to Women Studies
GWSS 300/AES 322 – Gender, Race, and Class in Social Stratification
GWSS 333/JSIS B 333 – Gender and Globalization: Theory and Process
GWSS 339/ANTH 339/JSIS A 339 – Social Movements in Contemporary India
GWSS 345/ANTH 345/JSIS B 345 – Women and International Economic Development
GWSS 383/HSTAA 373 – Social History of American Women to 1890
GWSS 384/HSTAA 374 – Social History of American Women in the Twentieth Century
GWSS 385 – Women and Activism in the U.S., 1820-1990s
GWSS 390 B - Worldwide Movements for LGBT+ Rights and Justice
GWSS 390 C / CHID 480 E - Feminist Social Reproduction Theory and Radical Politics of Care
GWSS/GEOG 476 - Women and the City

Geography (GEOG)

GEOG 123/JSIS 123 - Introduction to Globalization
GEOG 208 - Geography of the World Economy: Regional Fortunes and the Rise of Global Markets
GEOG 230 - Geographies of Global Inequality
GEOG 271 - Geography of Food and Eating
GEOG 331 - Global Poverty and Care
GEOG 342 - Geography of Inequality
GEOG 371 - World Hunger and Agricultural Development
GEOG 432 - Geographies and Politics of Poverty and Privilege
GEOG 439 - Gender, Race, and the Geography of Employment
GEOG 476/GWSS 476 - Women and the City
GEOG 478 - Social Justice and the City
GEOG 479 - Diversity and Segregation in Cities

History (HSTRY) - Comparative and Transregional History (HSTCMP), History of North America (HSTAA), History of Asia (HSTAS), History of Latin America and the Caribbean (HSTLAC)

HSTCMP 249/POL S 249/SOC 266 – Introduction to Labor Studies
HSTCMP 265 - Modern Revolutions Around the World
HSTCMP 309/CHID 309 - Marx and the Marxian Tradition in Western Thought: The Foundations of Modern Cultural Criticism
HSTCMP 440 /JSIS B 440 - The Communist Experience Around the World
HSTCMP 449 - Issues in Comparative Labor History
HSTCMP 457 / POL S 457 - Topics in Labor Research
HSTCMP 485 /CHID 485 - Comparative Colonialism
HSTAA 105 - The Peoples of the United States
HSTAA 205 - Asian American History
HSTAA 230 - Race and Power in America, 1861-1940
HSTAA 322 - African-American History, 1865 To The Present
HSTAA 353 - Class, Labor, and American Capitalism
HSTAA 373/GWSS 383 – Social History of American Women to 1890
HSTAA 374/GWSS 384 – Social History of American Women in the Twentieth Century
HSTAA 406 - Asian American Activism
HSTLAC 185 - Race, Gender, and Class in Latin America and the Carribean
HSTLAC 386 - The Challenges of Post-Coloniality in Latin America and the Caribbean
HSTLAC 482 - The History of Brazil: Colonial Period to the Present

Honors (HONORS)

HONORS 394 - Critical Community Organizing 

International Studies (JSIS) - Area Studies (JSIS A), Global/Thematic (JSIS B), International Studies (JSIS D)

JSIS 123/GEOG 123 - Introduction to Globalization
JSIS A 324/LSJ 322 - Human Rights in Latin America
JSIS A 339/ANTH 339/GWSS 339 – Social Movements in Contemporary India
JSIS A 355 / SOC 355 - Social Change in Latin America
JSIS A 408 / POL S 442 - Government and Politics of China
JSIS B 324 - Immigration
JSIS B 333/GWSS 333 – Gender and Globalization: Theory and Process
JSIS B 345/ANTH 345/GWSS 345 – Women and International Economic Development
JSIS B 385 – Industry and the State
JSIS B 386 – Law and Politics of International Trade
JSIS B 440 / HSTCMP 440 - The Communist Experience Around the World
JSIS D 450 / SOC 450 - Political Economy of Women and Family in the Third World

Labor Studies (LABOR)

LABOR 360 / GWSS 360 - Social Reproduction Theory and Radical Politics of Care
LABOR 480 - Applied Labor Research
LABOR 496 - Labor Studies Internship
LABOR 499 - Labor Studies Independent Study

Law, Societies, and Justice (LSJ)

LSJ 322/JSIS A 324 - Human Rights in Latin America
LSJ 329 - Immigration, Citizenship, and Rights
LSJ 360 / POL S 360 - Introduction to United States Constitutional Law
LSJ 422 - Immigrants, Labor, and Legality

Political Science (POL S)

POL S 249/SOC 266/HISTCMP 249 – Introduction to Labor Studies
POL S 318/319 - American Political Thought
POL S 360 / LSJ 360 - Introduction to United States Constitutional Law
POL S 373 - Violence, Exploitation & Exclusion in US Labor Markets
POL S 406 - Marxian Political Economy
POL S 442 / JSIS A 408 - Government and Politics of China
POL S 457 / HSTMP 457 - Topics in Labor Research

Social Work (SOC W)

SOC W 536 – Social Movements and Organizing: People, Power, and Praxis (Undergrads may apply with instructor permission)

Sociology (SOC)

SOC 266/HISTCMP 249/POL S 249 – Introduction to Labor Studies
SOC 355 / JSIS A 355 - Social Change in Latin America
SOC 360 – Introduction to Social Stratification
SOC 364 – Women in the Social Structure
SOC 450 / JSIS D 450 - Political Economy of Women and Family in the Third World
SOC 468 – Sociology of Occupations and Professions


University of Washington - Bothell

Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences - Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS), American Studies (BIS AES)

BIS 327 - History of U.S. Labor Institutions
BIS 433 - Gender, Work and Family
BIS 441 - Global Labor Markets
BIS 445 - Meanings and Realities of Inequality
BISAES 305 - Power, Dissent, and American Culture
BISAES 363 - Conflict and Connection in the Americas


University of Washington - Tacoma

Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences - Culture, Art, and Communications (T ARTS), Economics (TECON), Ethnic, Gender and Labor Studies (T EGL), History (T HIST), Political Science (TPOL S), Sociology (T SOC), Women Studies (T WOMN)

T ARTS 406 – Labor, Globalization, and Art
TECON 450 – Labor Economics and Policy
T EGL 101 - Introduction to Ethnic, Gender, and Labor Studies
T EGL 266 - Introduction to Labor Studies
T HIST 322 – American Labor Since the Civil War
T HIST 416 – Life and Thought: Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Angela Davis
T HIST 440 – Black Labor in America
T HIST 441 – Black Freedom Movement in Perspective
TPOL S 230 – International Human Rights
TPOL S 410 – Labor Rights and Human Rights
TPOL S 435 – Popular Movements in Latin America
TPOL S 456 – Community and Labor Organizing: A Multicultural Perspective
T SOC 335 – Social Class and Inequality
T SOC 434 - Women, Race, and Class: Identity and Intergroup Relations
T WOMN 345 - Women and Work in the United States
T WOMN 420 - Women in the Global Economy