This spring, the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies is proud to host a series of events at the University of Washington dedicated to the politics, processes, and ethics of care work.
The series consists of five interconnected events, including a lecture, film screening, and two workshares. The series centers on Taking Care, a conference on Saturday, May 4. Proposals for the conference are being accepted through Friday, April 5 (read the call for proposals here) .
Engaging Care - Spring 2019 Event Calendar
Friday, April 26:
- Workshare: Jerzy Eisenberg-Guyot, PhD Student, Public Health, “Do unions make us strong? The relationship between declining labor union density and changing race and class mortality inequities in the United States” • 12:00pm - 1:30pm, Smith Hall, Room 306
Friday, May 3:
- Lecture: Kendra Strauss, Director of Labour Studies, Simon Fraser University, "Who will look after me when I am old? Social infrastructures of care in the global city" • 3:30pm - 5:00pm, Smith Hall, Room 304
Saturday, May 4:
*CANCELED* Friday, May 10:
- Workshare: Marieke van Eijk, Lecturer, Anthropology, “Hidden Labor in the U.S. Healthcare System” • 12:00pm - 1:30pm, Smith Hall, Room 306
Friday, May 17:
- Film Screening: The Care Revolution, with filmmakers Sonia De La Cruz and Bob Bussel • 1:30pm - 3:30pm, Magnuson Health Sciences Center D (HSD), D209 (Turner Auditorium)
Wednesday, May 22:
- Workshare: Michael Aguirre, PhD Candidate, "Challenging Border Confinement: Organized Labor, the Chicano Movement, and the Transborder Politics of Farmworker Healthcare" • 12:00pm - 1:30pm, Smith Hall, Room 306