The Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies seeks proposals from University of Washington faculty for policy-oriented research on aspects of labor directly relevant to policy makers in Washington State. Grants are also available to UW graduate students who are sponsored by a faculty member.
Up to $13,000 is available for this grant. The full amount covers the salary and benefits cost of a quarterly R.A. appointment. A graduate tuition waiver is included.
The deadline to apply for 2019-2020 is Tuesday, May 28.
Topically, priority will go to work that examines:
- Aspects of labor force employment, wages, conditions (including health and pension benefits), and/or unionization
- Local policies to ameliorate the impacts of trade, outsourcing, off-shoring subcontracting, or technology
- Policies of unions and professional organizations to expand or preserve marketable skills and quality production
- Problems facing contingent or casual workers and employment related aspects of poverty and/or discrimination
- Historical work that has direct impact upon contemporary policy
- International case studies and/or comparative research relevant to Washington State
More information, including descriptions of past funded research, is available at https://labor.washington.edu/research-grants.
Required Application Materials
Proposals must:
- Indicate the significance of the investigation to Washington State and potential policy implications
- Summarize the state of current research and debate
- Explain the method of investigation and progress (if any) to date
- Include a timeline that demonstrates the capacity to finalize a report by August 2020
Submit proposals as email attachments (max. length 1500 words exclusive of timeline, budget and CV). Be sure to include your contact information, including email, mailing addresses, and phone number.
Submit applications to Andrew Hedden, Associate Director, hbcls@u.washington.edu, by Tuesday, May 28.